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海洋浮游介形类(Ostracods)是一类分布较广的小型甲壳动物, 在海洋碳循环中起重要作用。目前国内海洋浮游动物采样常使用505μm网目孔径的浮游生物网, 从而导致个体较小的介形类被忽略。文章根据2006年7—8月(夏季)和2006年12月—2007年1月(冬季)在南海西北部海域分别使用网目孔径为505μm和160μm浮游生物网采集的样品, 比较不同网目所获浮游介形类种类和丰度的差异, 分析介形类种类和丰度的分布特征, 探讨环境因素对其时空分布的影响。160μm网目采集的浮游介形类种类和丰度均高于505μm。基于160μm网目数据分析浮游介形类群落结构: 1) 鉴定浮游介形类32种, 其种数由近岸向外海递增, 等深线100m以浅海域的种数显著高于100m以深海域(p<0.01); 2) 夏季浮游介形类的丰度高于冬季, 夏季丰度高值区主要出现在雷州半岛东部和琼东近岸, 显著高于外海(p<0.05), 冬季介形类丰度分布较为均匀; 3) 优势种针刺真浮萤(Euconchoecia aculeata)是近岸高丰度的主要贡献种; 4) 介形类种数与温度和水深呈显著正相关, 丰度与叶绿素a浓度呈正相关, 而与温度和盐度呈负相关。夏季琼东沿岸上升流和粤西沿岸流有助于浮游介形类在雷州半岛和海南岛东部近岸海域形成较高的丰度, 最高达1252个·m-3。同时, 建议今后研究浮游介形类采用网目孔径小的浮游生物网进行采集以便全面评估其群落结构特征。  相似文献   
采用Ludox-QPS方法,研究了2011年8月采自长江口邻近海域9个站位沉积物中纤毛虫的群落结构及分布特点,并结合沉积环境进行综合分析。结果表明,表层8cm沉积物中底栖纤毛虫的平均丰度为(2782±1493)cells/10cm2,生物量为(10.06±6.41)μgC/10cm2。长江口海域北部站位的丰度和生物量呈从近岸向外海增加,南部的站位呈现相反的分布趋势。在垂直分布上, 62%的底栖纤毛虫分布在表层2cm, 12%分布在5—8 cm。本研究共检获纤毛虫106种,隶属于15纲/亚纲, 24目, 69属,前口纲在丰度及生物量上均为最优势类群(丰度占45.5%,生物量占56.4%),核残迹纲在生物量上居第二位。就食性来看,肉食性纤毛虫物种数最多(44种),其丰度和生物量所占比例也最高(40.3%,66.8%),但在长江口外站位(M1站),菌食性纤毛虫为最优势摄食类群。分析表明,研究海域底栖纤毛虫群落结构与底层水盐度最相关。聚类分析结果显示,由于较多量的伪钟虫属(Pseudovorticella)和原领毛虫属(Prototrachelocerca)种类出现导致长江口北部L1站的纤毛虫群落结构不同于其他站位。本研究所获底栖纤毛虫的丰度和生物量较东海离岸海域已有研究结果均高,表层8cm沉积物中纤毛虫的丰度约是上层30m水柱中浮游纤毛虫的116倍,生物量约是后者的150倍。基于目前黄东海有关底栖纤毛虫物种多样性的已有报道,其多样性在长江口离岸海域高于近岸潮间带,且在离岸海域东海低于黄海。  相似文献   
The B/Ca ratio of planktonic foraminifer shells has been used as a proxy for reconstructing past ocean carbonate chemistry. However, recent studies have revealed significant uncertainties associated with this proxy, such as whether seawater temperature or [ CO_3~(2-)] is the dominant control on the partition coefficient(K_D) of planktonic foraminiferal B/Ca. To address these uncertainties and thus improve our understanding of the planktonic foraminiferal B/Ca proxy, we analysed B/Ca ratios in the tests of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei(300–355 μm) and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata(355–400 μm) in surface sediment samples from the tropical western Pacific and South China Sea. The relationship between these B/Ca ratios and bottom water calcite saturation states(Δ[ CO_3~(2-)]) is weak, thus suggesting only a small dissolution effect on the B/Ca of the two species. The correlation coefficients(R~2) between the B/Ca ratios of N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata and environmental parameters(e.g., temperature, salinity, phosphate, DIC and ALK) in the tropical western Pacific and South China Sea are not high enough to justify using B/Ca ratios as a palaeoenvironmental proxy in the study areas. The significant correlation between K_D values of N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata and carbonate system parameters(e.g.,[ CO_3~(2-)], DIC, ALK, pH and [ HCO_3~-]) in the study area reflect chemical links between the K_D denominator and these variables. Based on our surface sediment calibration, an empirical relationship between the K_D of N.dutertrei and temperature is proposed in the tropical western Pacific. We also generated a record of B/Ca ratios in N. dutertrei(300–355 μm) from Core MD06-3052 in the tropical western Pacific over the past 24 ka to evaluate the application of the revised B/Ca proxy method. Based on the reconstructed empirical relationship for B/Ca and subsurface seawater ALK, we estimated subsurface seawater carbonate system parameters in the tropical western Pacific since 24 ka. In general, the estimated subsurface seawater pH and [ CO_3~(2-)] show an increase with time, and the record of subsurface seawater pCO_2 shows a decrease with time, in the tropical western Pacific over the past 24 ka. The consistent trends in subsurface seawater pCO_2 and opal flux during deglaciation may imply that the reported increase in subsurface water pCO_2 in the study area was promoted by enhanced upwelling in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   
使用标准化壳体重量法和传统壳体重量法分别对中国南海(South China Sea,简称SCS)站表层沉积物和MD06-3052岩心沉积物样品进行了测试,获得了浮游有孔虫种属Globigerinoides ruber(G. ruber)的标准化壳体重量和传统壳体重量.通过对SCS站表层沉积物中G. ruber标准化壳体重量与传统壳体重量的比较,认为在该海域使用标准化壳体重量替代性指标能够更好的排除壳体粒径的干扰.通过对MD06-3052岩心中G. ruber标准化壳体重量与南极Vostok冰心的CO2浓度(pCO2)曲线进行对比,认为标准化壳体重量方法能够较好的反映出表层海水[CO32-]的变化.标准化壳体重量方法快速简便,指示性好,在探讨晚更新世以来表层海水在全球碳循环的重要作用中,是一个很有潜力的指标.   相似文献   
文章以南海北部ODP1146站沉积物岩芯为研究材料,利用浮游有孔虫次表层水种Pulleniatina obliquiloculata壳体的氧、碳稳定同位素,结合该站位浮游及底栖有孔虫氧碳同位素数据,分析中更新世以来南海北部上层水体结构的演化。1.2 Ma以来ODP1146站P.obliquiloculata壳体δ^18O的变化可分3个阶段:1)1.2~0.9 Ma,冰期-间冰期变化幅度较小、主导周期为41 ka斜率周期;2)0.9~0.6 Ma,冰期旋回变化幅度逐渐增强、100 ka偏心率周期开始强化;3)0.6 Ma以来,冰期旋回呈现稳定且幅度较大的100 ka周期变化。0.9 Ma以来南海北部上层海水δ^18O的冰期旋回变幅增强,可能反映东亚冬季风在0.9 Ma之后显著强化。其中,表层水体δ^18O只在冰期变幅增强,P.obliquiloculata所反映的次表层水体δ^18O的变化幅度在冰期和间冰期都显著增强。约0.9 Ma浮游和底栖有孔虫δ^18O的100 ka周期几乎同时显现;但在0.9~0.6 Ma时期P.obliquiloculata的δ^18O偏心率周期更为显著、斜率周期的强度也更高。因此,冰期旋回周期转型及幅度变化两方面的证据共同反映温跃层结构演化在南海北部中更新世转型(MPT)气候转变过程中的特殊性。1.2 Ma以来ODP1146站P.obliquiloculata的δ^13C在0.02 Ma、0.49 Ma和0.99 Ma左右呈明显的碳重值,同时表层种-次表层种之间的δ^13C差值减小到近于0,可以解读为碳重值事件期间南海北部生产力相对减弱。  相似文献   
The zooplankton of oligotrophic lakes in North Patagonia is often dominated by mixotrophic ciliates, particularly Stentor amethystinus and Stentor araucanus. Therefore, we tested whether Stentor spp. (i) is an important food for juvenile endemic (Cheirodon australe, Galaxias maculatus, Odontesthes mauleanum, Percichthys trucha) and introduced (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fish species, and (ii) represents a remarkable grazer of bacteria. Ingestion rates of fish estimated by disappearance of Stentor in feeding experiments ranged between 8 (G. maculatus) and 53 (C. australe) ciliates per fish and day, and assimilation rates measured by using radioactively labelled Stentor ranged between 3 (P. trucha) and 52 (C. australe) ciliates per fish and day. However, although we detected the consumption of Stentor by fish, the daily consumption amounted to at most 0.2% of the fish biomass which can not cover the energy requirement of the fish. Furthermore, the daily consumption was equivalent to a maximum of 1.6% of the Stentor standing stock so that fish predation does not seem to be an important mortality factor for the ciliates. The clearance rate of Stentor sp. on natural bacteria was on average 3.8 μl cil−1 h−1. The daily ingestion (mean 3.9 ng C cil−1 d−1) was about 3.5% of the individual biomass of Stentor sp. Therefore, bacteria ingestion might explain a ciliate growth rate of appr. 1% d−1, which was about 17% of the photosynthesis of endosymbiotic algae. The maximum density of Stentor sp. in the lake could ingest about 1 μg C L−1 d−1 bacteria which is only 3% of average bacterial production. Thus, grazing by Stentor sp. does not seem to be a main loss factor for the bacteria.  相似文献   
高通量测序技术广泛应用于环境真核微生物多样性的研究,可检获较之传统形态学方法更高的多样性。然而,检获的高分子多样性与基于形态的物种多样性在构成上的差异仍然不明。本研究首次对比分析了基于形态学的南黄海沉积物中的纤毛虫物种多样性与基于核糖体18S DNA和c DNA高通量测序的多样性异同。结果表明:形态鉴定获得8纲、20目、30科、36属共97种纤毛虫;DNA测序检获10纲、28目、55科、76属共174个OTUs;而通过c DNA测序获取的纤毛虫多样性最高,获10纲、31目、68科、99属共284个OTUs。研究发现,形态学方法检获的纤毛虫均为底栖生纤毛虫;两种分子手段检获的多样性更高,群落结构更为近似,覆盖了形态鉴定所获的绝大部分类群。但DNA测序还检获了序列比例高达90%的浮游类群,可能源于包囊或死亡沉降的物种;而c DNA测序检获了约7%的浮游纤毛虫序列。较之DNA测序,c DNA法检获的底栖纤毛虫在群落结构上与形态学结果更为接近。本研究表明,分子手段有助于更全面地揭示沉积物中的纤毛虫多样性,DNA测序可同时揭示休眠包囊、胞外DNA及过去群落的信息,而c DNA测序在研究活动纤毛虫多样性上更有优势。  相似文献   
2014年12月和2016年3月分别对热带西太平洋Y3海山(中层海山)和M2海山(浅海山)微食物网主要类群(包括聚球藻、原绿球藻、微微型真核浮游生物、异养细菌和浮游纤毛虫)丰度和生物量垂直分布进行了研究。结果表明,Y3和M2海山水文环境比较相似但略有区别,叶绿素最大值层(DCM)分别在75—100m和110m水层,微食物网各主要类群在垂直尺度上的分布与叶绿素a浓度紧密相关。其中浮游纤毛虫呈现"双峰型"模式,即丰度高值出现在表层和DCM层;原绿球藻和微微型真核浮游生物呈现"单峰型"模式,丰度高值出现在DCM层;聚球藻和异养细菌峰型相对不显著,DCM层以浅丰度较高,DCM层以深丰度明显降低。分析其原因,可能是受到温度、光照和营养盐的共同影响。Y3和M2海山微食物网结构的垂直变化不完全一致。其中,Y3海山30m以浅和150m以深异养细菌生物量占绝对优势,75—100m水层自养型生物(原绿球藻和微微型真核浮游生物)占绝对优势;M2海山75m以浅和200m以深异养细菌占绝对优势,110—150m自养型生物占绝对优势。M2海山自养型生物占优势的水层要明显深于Y3海山,可能与它们的海山类型和采样季节不同有关。  相似文献   
The morphology and infraciliature of a new marine colepid ciliate, Apocoleps magnus gen. nov., spec. nov., are described based on living observations and silver impregnations. The new genus Apocoleps is characterized by having 8 (vs. 6 in most other related genera) armour tiers, spines at both ends of the cell, 3 adoral organelles and plates with 4 reniform uni-windows. Apocoleps magnus spec. nov. is defined by the following features: body elongated and slightly curved, about 100–120μm× 35–45 μm in vivo; an...  相似文献   
We studied the seasonal distribution of the ciliate community coupled with environmental factors along the coast at three stations sampled (from March 2006 to February 2007) in the Gulf of Gabes (Tunisia, Eastern Mediterranean Sea). A total of 56 species belonging to 11 orders, were identified. Harbor of Gabes station was more diversified (45 species) than both Tabia (26 species) and Karboub (31 species) stations. The ciliate assemblage was numerically dominated by Spirotrichea in Tabia (82% of the total abundance), in the Harbor of Gabes (86% of the total abundance), whereas, in Karboub, Spirotrichea represented only 40% of the total abundance. The unexpected lower quantitative importance of Spirotrichea in Karboub station was apparently the result of the high salt concentration found in water samples throughout the study, probably originating from the saline area surrounding Karboub station, known as Sabkha. The distribution of species in the nearshore of the Gulf of Gabes seemed most likely influenced by the combined effects of temperature, salinity and hydrographic conditions.  相似文献   
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